a picture of my face!
John Busse

University Game Projects

This page is dedicated to showcasing game projects made for my university classes

Fighter Flight Response

My final project for CS 381- Game Engine Architecture, codeveloped with Mark Graham in the Spring 2022 semester. A simple arcade flight sim built in Unity. My focus in this project included developing the player controller, user interface, and design of the desert stage using Unity's Terrain Editor tools.

A demonstration video of the island stage.
A demonstration video of the desert stage.

Iso Defenders

This was my mid project for CS 491- Artificial Intelligence in Games, codeveloped with Nathan Evans and Allen Ma. A tower defense game showing pathfinding using A* with potential fields for group movement, along with Minimax AI logic for the enemy commander.

A small demonstration video of the Iso Defenders game, showing the base gameplay loop.

Empires of Embers

This was my final project for CS 491- Artificial Intelligence in Games, codeveloped with Curtis Burchfield. A real-time strategy game showcasing pathfinding using A* and the Unity NavMesh for group movement, along with basic behavior tree logic for the enemy AI commander.

A small demonstration video of Empire of Embers, showing the base gameplay loop.

AI Demos

This is a collection of small projects developed for CS 491- AI in Games during the Spring 2023 semester hosted on my itch.io page.

A small demonstration video of Empire of Embers, showing the base gameplay loop.